Legos & Math

Is your child not interested in math? We found that making math fun helps them stay motivated and excited to learn. Students like math when they can relate to it.

Here's a strategy: use legos and an erasable marker to motivate your child when solving addition and subtraction problems.

Using two different colors of Legos for addition or subtraction helps kids tell the numbers apart. For example, we added 4 + 2. We marked the legos, which helps your child recognize the distinctions between each set.

This method is good for visual learners and makes math more fun for kids. Try it out and let us know in the comments if we should write more blog posts about math activities that help develop your child thinking skills.

Legos Math Addition Model

Using Legos for addition is a fun and interactive way for students to practice math while doing homework or spending just 10 minutes before bed.


The math technique every elementary student needs to improve their math abilities


The simplest math technique that every student should use.