The benefits of using modeling as an online teaching method

Do you feel your child is having difficulty learning a concept?

Do you see your child forgetting how to complete a problem?

If the answer is yes, let us examine the benefits of modeling when working with students online.

Online learning incorporates visual aid. Visual aids are great tools for teaching. Students enjoy viewing colorful images that deepen the connection to the information they learn.

Online learning allows teachers to be creative when tailoring assignments to meet students' needs. I enjoy creating PowerPoint slides that incorporate animations, detailed explanations, videos, and various problems.

These tools enhance the students learning to remain more engaged in the lessons.

Modeling is an excellent tool to use in teaching. Modeling allows us to identify students’ weaknesses and develop different strategic skills to eliminate learning gaps. One useful strategic tool is using break-it-down questions to push students' thinking process. Incorporating questions in the lessons ensure the student can explain and understand the concept.

With modeling, students can follow along and create a mental picture to answer the question. As a result, the student can repeat the same process independently showing, they understand the concept.

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